Calls: Recording

Introwise Calls can be recorded directly to the cloud in 1080p HD on any device and shared with your clients directly.

Your Introwise calls can be recorded in 1080p HD directly to the cloud from any device. After the recording is done you can simply share the recording link with your clients for viewing or download an MP4 for your own archive.

Recording and Live Streaming are available on the Pro plan.

Starting and stopping recording

Important: you must be logged in to your Introwise account before joining the session in order to be able to start recording. You can only record sessions that were booked with you as an expert.

To start a recording follow these steps:

  • Join the session that you want to record while logged in to your Introwise account.
  • In the call controls menu (top right on Desktop, bottom on Mobile) click on the Recording and Live streaming button.
  • In the opened sidebar or modal select Recording and click Start recording
  • A timer will appear showing you the current recording duration
  • The button in the call controls menu will remain lit while the recording is in progress. You can close the recording menu and your call will continue being recorded.
  • All other participants on the call will receive a notification on their screens informing them that recording is in progress.

Recordings automatically stop when the call ends, i.e., when the last participants leave. We still recommend you stop the recording manually before you leave the session.

To stop recording:

  1. Open the recording menu by clicking Recording and Live streaming button
  2. In the opened sidebar or modal select Recording and click Stop recording
  3. The recording timer will stop and the button in the call controls menu will fade

After the recording is finished it will appear in your session dashboard.

Viewing and downloading a recording

You can view all recordings for a particular session in the session dashboard.

  1. In the top menu click Dashboard
  2. Find the session that you have recorded and click on it
  3. Scroll down on the opened session dashboard and click on View recordings button
  4. For each recording there are two options - View and Download. View gives you a publicly shareable link, and download will start an MP4 file download

You can share the viewing link directly with your clients, no need to download and re-upload the recording file to any cloud storage. Keep in mind that the viewing link is unique, but anyone who has access to it will be able to view the recording.

Deleting a recording

You can remove any recording by following the steps above for viewing and downloading a recording and clicking on Delete next to the unneeded recording. Please note that recordings are removed permanently.

Recording specs

Your sessions are recorded in 1080p HD at 30fps. All participants audio and up to 25 active cameras will be recorded at the same time. When no screens are shared all participants are aligned in a grid. With active screen shares participants are displayed on the side with the shared screen taking the main space.

By default, there are no participants names displayed on the recording, and no other visual elements, like watermarks.

The typical recording download size is less than 700mb per 1 hour of recording. With very static recordings, like a recording of a mostly static shared screen, the file size might be even lower.

Recording limits

A single recording time is limited to 3hrs. Please remember to stop your recording beforehand to avoid losing that recording.

While in Beta, the total number, and the total duration of recordings on your account are limited by the available call minutes only. There is no extra charge for recordings if you’re on the Pro plan.


I joined the session but don’t see the recording option

If you don’t see the recording option please double check that

  1. You’re logged in to your Introwise account
  2. This session is booked with you as the expert
  3. You’re on the Pro plan