How to Create Killer Blogs That Sell in 2022: Insider Tips from Stephanie Fiteni

Since the world began to move online, the amount of content has been growing at a tremendous pace every year. Starting an online blog as a coach in 2022 might be a tempting idea, but it can also seem overwhelming.
How can you avoid your blog getting lost in thousands of other blogs? How can you get leads and clients from your blog and make money with it? Should you start your blog on Instagram? Or maybe Facebook or TikTok? Or make your own website? How can you use evergreen content and newsjacking wisely?
The best thing to do is to ask someone who has been there. So, we did just that – had a great talk with Stephanie Fiteni, online marketing strategist and blogging coach. Stephanie consults coaches on marketing matters and also has her own blog responsible now for 95% of her business. She shared her expert insights on issues you may encounter while creating your selling blog as a coach.
How can you get more traffic to your website and also get people to stay?
Blogging is about attracting people to your website but also converting people coming to your website into clients who buy your service/product. But where are people coming from?
If you are not just starting your career, chances are some people have been following you for a while already. Those who come to you as clients through social media might have been your fans for 6-12 months already. It takes some time for people to warm up before actually reaching out to you.
But then there are those who come from search engine. You need to learn how to leverage Google and SEO optimization for lead generation organically to attract those people. They don’t know you specifically. Maybe they are just scrolling through blogs to find some information they need, let’s say on generating leads, learning how to blog, or just anything about content creation. Maybe they are ready to take action, choosing between several options to achieve their goal.
The only task you have in this case is to keep the person reading until the end and then get them to take action, such as booking a 30-minute call with you. It only takes between 3 and 12 minutes to read a blog post, and around half an hour for a call, so a visitor can become a client in just one hour.
The problem, however, is making a client choose you. People could be scrolling through huge amounts of blogs to get the information they need without any intention of buying anything.
The truth is, only around 2-4% of people who come to your website will buy the service you provide. Others will not be ready to book the call.
And that’s okay! This is something you build into your content plan. A client has a certain customer journey to go through before they are ready to buy from you. Some people are researching before they are ready to buy, and that’s perfectly fine.
What should a coach have on their website for selling blogs?
Here are a few useful things to not forget as you create your blog:
- Tools for people to make action such as booking a call with you
- Ways of persuading people to buy from you. Your goal as a coach is to convince someone who has probably failed before that with your help, they can do it. There should be a right call for action.
- Something of value for people who will never return to your website because they are not ready. It can be a popup that suggests people some more blogs or information. You can make a quiz, or a downloadable PDF, or invite people to a free recorded webinar or training. The point is, they must have jumped on your website because of something you’ve put there. Even though those visitors are not ready to buy yet, if they find anything that gives them value, it will encourage them to jump on your email list.
What is the best platform for blogging?
You may be thinking about starting your blog on Instagram, Facebook, or TikTok.
However, there is no platform out there that is going to give you the same thing as Google. Once you rank a blog post, people wanting to buy from you will come to your website every single month for years and years. For every post. The more you rank, the more you’re going to stack traffic, and the more leads and profit you’re going to make.
Tips on making the blog sell
In case you’re wondering what components of the blog will sell the coaching service, and what time it should take to read the post, here are a few tips for you:
- Make a great introduction. It matters! If the introduction is engaging, people get curious and keep reading further. Try to find something that is going to make people interested in what is in your article.
- Make the article relevant. As people come to your post usually because they have read the title in the search results, make sure that when they see your article, they will feel like they've landed in the right place. Also, always give value before trying to sell your service or product.
- Break down the article. If there is a list or a step-by-step process, people will know the contents of your post immediately as they skim-read, which helps.
- Short and frequent articles may be the best option. Short articles of 400 to 600 words posted frequently can work well with the recently updated Google algorithm which encourages fresh content.
Evergreen topics vs newsjacking?
Newsjacking is something more befitting to social media than your blog. If the topics vary too much, the search engines can get confused. Evergreen content on your topic makes it easier to understand what your focus is.
Which coaching blog niche sells the best?
What matters is that there is traffic for your particular industry. And from experience, all industries have that. Life coaches are the most numerous, but they all do different things, and it is important to find a unique niche for them. SEO can help find that niche, and focusing on something particular reduces the competition a lot.
Why are people not ready to buy from your blog?
There is what we call a customer journey. A customer needs to go through a specific process of thinking of feeling certain struggles to be ready to buy from you.
So, if somebody is not buying from you, it means they are not the right kind of client or they have not reached the right step yet.
From your side, you need to do the necessary work:
- Research your ideal client properly
- Align your programs and message with your ideal client
- Validate your ideas with keyword research
If you have done those things, you will get people who are willing to buy from you. Sharing blogs on social media is effective too. Your title can attract the right people to click, and the persuasive process can do the rest.
The final advice from Stephanie would be to simplify as much as possible. And if you are interested in a business platform for coaches, the one that will handle scheduling, payments and video calls for you, consider joining Introwise.