Oriya | Nobody School

Transform Life's Addictions Through Spiritual Recovery Coaching

With over a decade of experience guiding thousands in shamanic ceremonial work to navigate the depths of consciousness, I realized that true liberation must come from within. No plant, substance or guru can provide what already resides inside each of us - our sacred inner wisdom.

I have worked extensively with all varieties of addictive behaviors and the havoc they unleash. I realized that for true liberation, one must turn inwards rather than seeking external solutions. Spiritual salvation and freedom have always originated from within.

My path led me to fuse ancient ritual wisdom with modern methodologies for self-exploration. As the founder of Nobody School, I created the 12 Beats Framework integrating the Hero’s Journey storytelling structure with plant medicine ceremonial learnings. This system guides individuals to decode the unconscious narratives driving suffering and rediscover alignment.

My commitment is to holistically guide you to:

  1. Uncover the roots perpetuating destructive patterns
  2. Disrupt the vicious cycle of perceived unworthiness.
  3. Integrate spiritual rituals, writing prompts and mindfulness practices
  4. Strengthen presence in order to consciously author your life

Before booking any individual, monthly or seasonal coaching, I invite you to first book a 30 minute exploratory session with me to ensure your needs align with my approach.

In individual coaching sessions, we conduct 60-90 minute deep dive sessions to gain clarity on your self-limiting patterns and realize your inner wisdom.

Monthly coaching builds momentum through weekly meetings including targeted practices between sessions.

Seasonal coaching initializes a 3 month transformational period including regular check-ins and accountability.

Exploratory Session: Uncover your Big Lie

Free, 45 mins

Ready for a transformative journey of self-discovery through storytelling? Join Nobody School! In our exploratory call, connect with Oriya, our guide. Discover your "Big Lie," the core belief shaping your life. Share experiences, unlock hidden wisdom, and explore our structured methodology. Gain valuable insights, no obligation. If you continue, dive deeper into your narrative journey. Your story is unique, and it deserves to be shared with the world.

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