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Office Hours - Group session - Pay What You Can - US/CA time

Free, 1 hour

Bring your business-tech questions/challenges to these small-group office hours. (Maximum 3 people at once!) This is a group session and in most cases you will have to share your screen with us so I can dig deeper into your situation, please make sure we can't see any confidential data you are not allowed to show other people - this is the only preparation you need. These sessions are PAY WHAT YOU CAN/WANT! After the session you will receive a payment link, and if you got something useful out of our discussion, any amount is appreciated ($5, $10, $25, etc. you name it) - but if you are in a financially tight situation, don't worry! Then this one is on me 😉 I've been there too, and I'm here to support you during your own tight times! 😊

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