How to Set Up Session Reminders (with Examples)

Towfiqu Barbhuiya on Unsplash

If you're a coach, tutor, or consultant, then you know how important it is to stay on top of your sessions. After all, your business depends on it! That's why sending reminders is essential. But what should you include in an email reminder? And when is the best time to send them? In this blog post, we'll answer those questions and give you five examples of session reminder emails. By the end, you'll be an expert at sending reminders that works for you and your clients!

Why send session reminders?

Session reminders serve two important purposes. First, they help ensure that your clients actually show up for their sessions. No-shows are a huge pain—not only do they cost you money, but they also disrupt your schedule and throw off your whole day. Second, session reminders build trust and credibility with your clients. When you take the time to send a reminder, it shows that you're organized and attentive. This helps build rapport and strengthens the client-expert relationship.

When to send them?

The best time to send a session reminder is 24-48 hours in advance. This gives your client enough time to see the reminder and make any necessary changes to their schedule. If you send the reminder too early, there's a chance they'll forget about it. And if you send it too late, they may not have time to reschedule if something comes up. So play it safe and shoot for the 24-48 hour mark!

If your session is scheduled way in advance, it might be beneficial to add more reminders, e.g., at 7 days and 14 days prior marks. This is especially beneficial for pre-scheduled events, like webinars and group sessions.

Working with particularly busy clients? Consider sending one more reminder one hour before the session. This way, you can be sure the message gets through and your client knows exactly when to show up.

A screenshot showing two workflows: "Webinar reminders" with 3 reminders up to 7 days in advance, and "Regular" reminders with 2 reminders up to 1 day in advance
Use different reminder schedules for different kinds of sessions

What to write in an email session reminder?

Now that we've covered when to send reminders, let's talk about what to include in them. Here are some essential elements:

  • The date and time of the session
  • A link to cancel or reschedule
  • Any resources or readings your client should review before the session
  • A friendly reminder of what will be covered during the session
  • Your contact information in case they need to reach you
  • A nice sign-off (e.g., "I'll see you soon!" or "Can't wait to chat!")

Including all of these elements will help ensure that your clients are prepared for their sessions and that they show up on time. Plus, it shows that you're professional and organized—two qualities that will instill confidence in your clients!

Pro tips for effective session reminders

Include a link to cancel or reschedule

It's always a good idea to include a link in your email reminder so clients can easily cancel or reschedule their sessions if needed. This shows that you're flexible and accommodating—two qualities that will win over any client!

With Introwise, cancellation, and rescheduling links are included automatically with reminders, so it's fast and convenient for your customers to make changes to their schedule if needed. Plus, you can also set your cancellation policies to protect your business and ensure that clients are aware of your rules.

Add helpful resources

It's always a great idea to include helpful articles, videos, or other resources in your emails. This not only shows your clients that you care about their success but also increases your credibility as an expert in the field.

For instance, if you're a nutritionist, it may be helpful to provide links to recipes and meal-planning resources in your emails. Or if you're a life coach, it may be useful to include links to books or podcasts that can help your clients develop better habits.

Send reminders to yourself

If you manage multiple clients, it can be difficult to remember their schedules and session dates. To make sure you don't miss any important events or sessions, set up reminders for yourself as well!

This is especially useful if you operate the business on the side: keeping track of all the sessions is hard when you need to work your 9-5 as well. Another example when it's especially useful is coming back from a vacation: you never want to miss an important session just because you forgot about it!

A screenshot showing setting up a reminder to yourself

Five examples of session reminder emails


Hi [Client Name], Just wanted to remind you that our session is scheduled for [date] at [time]. Talk soon!

Nothing much to add, just a clean reminder about an upcoming session!

With links to resources

Hi, just wanted to remind you that our session is scheduled for [date] at [time]. I've also included some links below to articles I think you'll find helpful. See you soon!

Providing clients with helpful materials that they can access before the session, it makes it easier for them to come prepared and ready to learn. It also shows that you are organized and attentive, which helps build trust between you and your client. Plus, if they need extra help understanding a concept or topic, they'll have the resources right at their fingertips!

With an upsell

Hi [Client Name], Just wanted to remind you that our session is scheduled for [date] at [time]. I've also included a link below for my new coaching program if you're interested in learning more. See you soon! Best, [Your Name]

Upselling is an essential part of any successful business. It's a great way to increase revenue, build customer loyalty, and create long-term relationships. Reminder emails are the perfect place to do this, as they provide a direct link between you and your customers. Not only can you remind them about their upcoming session or appointment, but you can also suggest additional products or services that may be of interest to them.

With a Call-to-action

Hi [Client Name], Just wanted to remind you that our session is coming up soon, and remind you to book your next session with me! Here is the booking link: [link]. See you soon!

A call to action gives clients an easy way to set up their next appointment and encourages them to plan ahead. It also helps build customer loyalty by allowing clients to stay connected with you, even after their initial session. And, of course, a call to action can help you increase revenue by suggesting additional products (see the Upsell example above)

With a reminder to cancel or reschedule

Hi [Client Name], Just wanted to remind you that our session is scheduled for [date] at [time]. However, if something comes up and you can't make it, please cancel at least 24 hours in advance so I can make myself available for other clients. See you soon! Best, [Your Name]

Plans change and it is a nice gesture to remind your clients that they can cancel or reschedule the session. You can also remind them about your cancellation policy so they know how far in advance they should cancel and be aware of any penalties for changes.

How to set up reminders with Introwise Workflows

Introwise Workflows makes it easy to automate the tedious tasks that have to be done regularly. With this feature, you can easily set up reminders for your clients and yourself.

Here is how to do it:

  1. First, create a new workflow. Give it a distinctive name, so it's easy to choose the right one later.
  2. Next, add an action 'Reminder' to your workflow. Specify when the reminder should be triggered - by assigning a relative time (e.g., one day before)
  3. You can also include a custom message along with your reminder - this will be sent along with the reminder to the client or you.
  4. Once your first reminder is set up in your workflow, repeat steps 2 and 3 for any additional reminders you need. Be sure to select unique trigger times and messages for each one so they don't overlap!
  5. Save your workflow and enable it. You can always pause it later if you no longer need these reminders.
  6. Add the newly created workflow to any services and series that need reminders. You can mix and match workflows to create complex email automation.

That's all there is to set up custom reminders using Introwise Workflows!

A screenshot showing 3 reminder actions at 7 days, 1 day, and 30 minutes prior
A visual overview of your reminders in a workflow

Set up your own custom reminders

It's important to remember that clients appreciate it when you are flexible and accommodating. By including cancellation links, helpful resources, and setting up reminders for yourself in your emails, you can show them that their time is valuable to you.

With Introwise Workflows, creating automated email reminders with these features is easy! So if you want to make sure your customers know they can reschedule or cancel their appointments without any hassle, give this feature a try today.